Distance calculator
Distance calculator available on MakeTrip is a unique and a very useful calculator and of great help when you have to plan a trip, using this you can calculate with ease flying and driving distance.
Distance calculator by MakeTrip will help you calculate following aspects of your travel.
Distance Calculator – Brief
- Driving Distance - using this tool you can calculate driving distance with ease, it is calculated by taking account t of each turn you will take and you can check its authenticity using Google or Yahoo Maps, calculating exact distance you need to travel or drive in advance will help you plan a better trip.
- Flight Distance - Flight distance is calculated using straight line formula as a crow flies, the calculations are accurate.
- Cost to Fly or Drive - This tool is of great use when you need to manage your expenses and time as it will give you to the dot details of how much time you will need to drive or fly to your desired destination and how much cost you will have to incur in both cases, thus using it you can plan smart and save money and time.
- Mileage Chart - If you have decided to drive to your destination and want to know how much fuel you will need to your desired destination this tool will give you all the details.
- Halfway Point - If you need to calculate the midway of your destination or want to meet an friend and both of you decide to drive from different destinations and reach in middle this calculator will calculate exact place you need to reach, this a unique tool offered by MakeTrip.
- Walking Distance - This is a unique and exciting feature which will help you find different location in your walking distance and discover places worth watching in your chosen area giving you accurate details of distance you need to walk.